Second St and Chelsea Ave
This site is part of the Burkle Park neighborhood anchor in the Uptown Community Plan which calls for medium-density residential development in this area. The site covers 3/4 of the block bounded by Chelsea Ave, Second St, Keel Ave, and Third St.
Existing zoning and surrounding land use make this site suitable for denser residential uses and institutional uses. Small-scale commercial/retail and third-place amenities would also be suitable in ground-floor corner spaces.
RFP Due: April 25, 2025
A Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was recently completed as part of the CRA’s Brownfield Assessment Grant with the U.S. EPA (Download the report).
A Phase II for a portion of the site was completed in 2020 (Download the report). Once we have a more fleshed-out development proposal for the site – with proposed uses – Voluntary Cleanup Oversight and Assistance Program (VOAP) enrollment with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) and additional sampling will likely be required. Revised 2.19.25