Uptown Vacant Dwelling Rehabilitation
Redevelopment opportunity in Memphis, Tennessee
The Memphis and Shelby County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is seeking proposals for the rehabilitation of two vacant single-family dwellings in the Bickford & New Chicago neighborhoods.
The rehabilitated homes can be rental or owner-occupied as well as range between low-income & market-rate. The CRA will ultimately convey the property to the selected developer(s) subject to the terms of a development agreement. The selected developer will be responsible for marketing and renting or selling the units.
Proposals which include conversion to affordable or other essential housing (low-income, missing middle, transitionary, workforce) will receive priority and may be eligible to receive the property(ies) as subsidy.
Through this RFP, the CRA seeks proposals for one or both properties that:
- Demonstrate experience in rehabilitating dwellings in an urban context.
- Propose a realistic strategy for starting construction within 6 months from the date of the executed rehabilitation agreement.
- Demonstrate the ability to obtain and work efficiently with private and public financing for affordable housing development.
- Present a development concept that meets the goals of this RFP and the Uptown Community Plan.
All proposals to this RFP must be submitted to the CRA by 5:00 PM CST on August 9, 2024. Respondents must submit a digital PDF of the entire submission via email to [email protected] (subject line should read “Uptown Rehabs RFP”) prior to the deadline described above. Please format the document to fit 8.5 x 11 size. A maximum length of 20 pages is preferred.