Single Family Home Rehabilitation program aids homeowner with extensive upgrades

by Andy Greenman

Thanksgiving dinner is returning to the Agnew’s this fall. Robert Agnew, 61, has fond memories of the holiday from his youth.

“Our grandmother would fix all the food. We would have all the children, grandchildren… It was wild. We had everybody over here, man. This little house, everybody would be packed.”

The little house he refers to is where he and his older brother Ron live today. The same brick bungalow they grew up in. Built in 1923, it has been owned by the Agnew family since Truman was president.

Over time the wiring became faulty, the plumbing leaked, and the roof aged. The repair checklist was overwhelming and out of their budget.

In March of 2023, the Agnews had another setback when Ron suffered a severe stroke. Robert helped him get back on his feet, as he’s used to helping others.

Robert is a food specialist for Shelby County Schools and helps feed over 500 students daily. With all his food prep practice, he is eager to host another Thanksgiving feast.

Plans are in the works to once again pack the house this fall thanks to extensive repairs through the CRA’s Single Family Home Rehabilitation (SFHR) program.

A new floor and ceiling were rebuilt, and the roof was replaced. The wiring was updated, and the bathroom was rebuilt with a walk-in shower for Ron. Central heat and air were installed, and the backyard deck was rebuilt to allow an ADA ramp — which the VA Hospital funded.

“I really thought they were gonna have to tear the whole house down and start from the bottom,” Robert stated. “It took some professionalism. They did a wonderful job.”

Remodeling From Heaven, a minority-owned company in Memphis, provided the construction work. They began rehabbing homes for the SFHR program last year.

The CRA is currently assisting 28 homeowners in Binghampton and Uptown to make essential repairs by the end of the year. Due to a wait list, applications are temporarily closed. To learn more, visit