The Single Family Homes Rehabilitation program administers funds to homeowners for residential repairs and renovations to keep homes safe, warm, and dry.

Most asked questions…
How can I find out if my property is included in the Community Redevelopment Area?
Any eligible structures must be located within the established Uptown TIF District. A map can be found at
Do I have to own the property to be eligible for the program?
Yes, certification of ownership of property (deed) and proof that the property is owner occupied (current utility bill or similar in owner’s name) is required.
What type of units are eligible for rehabilitation?
Single-family or converted units may be eligible.
What type of rehabilitation is eligible under the program?
Rehabilitation may include minor to modest repairs (roof, electrical, plumbing, siding, painting, windows, etc.) to prevent further decline and deterioration, while making the home safer, warmer, and drier for the occupants. No funds can be used for environmental remediation or testing.
Can I select my own contractor?
No, contractors will be selected by the CRA through a competitive bidding process.
What is the maximum grant amount awarded?
The CRA Board approves grants up to $65,000 per single-family home.
Do I have to meet certain income guidelines to qualify for the program?
Yes, the program is available to owners of eligible structures and whose income does not exceed the income limits as listed in the chart below. Income limits are the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). The FPL is a measurement of the minimum amount of annual income that is needed for individuals and families to pay for essentials, such as housing, food, clothes and transportation as determined by the Federal Government.