Binghampton Vacant Dwelling Rehabilitation
Redevelopment opportunity in Memphis, Tennessee
The Memphis and Shelby County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is seeking qualified and experienced housing rehabilitator(s) for the rehabilitation of two vacant single-family dwellings in the Binghampton neighborhood.
The homes can be rental or owner-occupied as well as range between low-income & market-rate. The CRA will ultimately convey the property to the selected developer(s) subject to the terms of a development agreement. The selected developer(s) will be responsible for marketing and renting or selling the units.
Proposals which include conversion to affordable or other essential housing (low-income, missing middle, transitionary, workforce) will receive priority and may be eligible to receive the property(ies) as a subsidy.
Through this RFP, the CRA seeks qualified proposals for one or both properties that:
- Demonstrate experience in rehabilitating dwellings in an urban context.
- Propose a realistic strategy for starting construction within 6 months from the date of the executed rehabilitation agreement.
- Demonstrate the ability to obtain and work efficiently with private and public financing for affordable housing development.
- Present a development concept that meets the goals of this RFP and the Binghampton TIF Implementation Strategy Report.
All proposals to this RFP must be submitted to the CRA by 5:00 PM CST on August 9, 2024. Respondents must submit a digital PDF of the entire submission via email to (subject line should read “Binghampton Rehabs RFP”) prior to the deadline described above. Please format the document to fit 8.5 x 11 size. A maximum length of 20 pages is preferred.