
To participate in innovative partnerships that eliminate blight conditions and provide affordable housing through a workable program that encourages reinvestment in neighborhoods as directed by the comprehensive plans of Memphis and Shelby County.


That every neighborhood in the City of Memphis and Shelby County would provide its residents with a healthy and safe environment, economic opportunity, affordable housing, and excellent quality of life.


Restore, Reconnect, Reinvest

The CRA addresses blight in its neighborhoods and districts by restoring unkept or dilapidated spaces.

We connect people to resources to maintain their homes or attain healthy, safe affordable housing. We connect business owners, developers and providers of affordable housing to gap financing and available spaces to prevent future blight. We connect neighbors to their community through outreach and service.

We invest in the longevity of the neighborhoods we serve through community-driven planning and community-led implementation, thereby creating a sustainable model.