1126 Thomas Street

This site is located just north of the Chelsea Neighborhood Center as outlined in the Uptown Community Plan. In addition, the Chelsea Ave and Thomas St intersection – a half mile south of this site – is identified as a Neighborhood Main Street Anchor (Accelerate) – in the Memphis 3.0 comprehensive plan. Current zoning and land use make the Thomas Street corridor ripe for more dense and mixed-use development. While the existing development context and site constraints make housing development more challenging at 1126 Thomas, it is also suitable for commercial, institutional, or light industrial uses that add value to the surrounding neighborhood.

There is currently a vacant one-story structure on the site. While reuse of the building is encouraged, the CRA is open to proposals that envision demolition and new construction.

The CRA will convey the property to the selected developer subject to the terms of a redevelopment agreement. The building was acquired by the CRA in 2021.

RFP Due: January 31, 2025